13 CES 2025 award-winning assistive tech innovations for healthcare professionals to know about
By Sarah Sarsby For AT Today A realistic prosthetic knee, an accessible system for people with reduced mobility that facilitates seamless makeup...
By Sarah Sarsby For AT Today A realistic prosthetic knee, an accessible system for people with reduced mobility that facilitates seamless makeup...
by Lee Learson · Published November 26, 2018 · Last modified November 27, 2018
The Let’s Participate! project, funded by the Office of Special Education Programs, was designed to help infants, toddlers and preschoolers...
by Lee Learson · Published November 22, 2018 · Last modified November 27, 2018
Assistive technology is making it easier for people who are visually impaired to buy groceries, hail rides, and more. For...
GPS technology is only accurate to within 30 feet or so – not a problem for sighted commuters, but that...
GTX Corp (OTCBB: GTXO), an Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider in the personal location, wearable and wandering assistive technology...
While the number of apps for folks with visual impairments that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the ubiquitous “cloud” continues...
By Don Johnston It has been a long time coming, and a work of deep passion for students with autism...
Octopus is the first icon-based watch that teaches kids good habits and the concept of time. Octopus by Joy It’s...
Co:Writer Universal … With Speech Recognition! Co:Writer Universal uses grammar- and vocabulary-smart word prediction to help students write better across...
As you might have guessed by now, I’m a little obsessed with assistive technology products in development. Just can’t wait...
by Clare Scott The design and development of assistive technology is one of the most promising facets of the 3D...
Byline: Alix Hackett Perkins Solutions has the perfect functional and fun presents for kids and adults who are blind or visually...
Leading digital inclusion software browsealoud, from assistive technology experts Texthelp, today unveils a smart new, more user-friendly look with enhanced...
Check out this cool video of 3D printing of prosthetics! The company is Open Bionics and is based in the...
Your mobile phone can now lock and unlock your front door. Imagined, founded and developed at StanfordUniversity, CANDY HOUSE is...
The A. J. Pappanikou Center is a disability research and training program located on the campus of the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, Connecticut. The Center is one of a national network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service (UCEDD) authorized by the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act and funded through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities.
Navigating AAC in the Virtual Space: Supporting Communication as a Teletherapist: Feb. 27, 2025; 6:30pm CST
Voiceitt: Accessible speech-to-text for people with non-standard speech: March 5, 2025; 4:00pm UK Time
Minecraft Education for Language Intervention: March 19, 2025; 4:00pm UK Time
Teaching How AI Works to K-8 Students: Mar. 3, 2025; 3:00 pm EST
Demystifying AI in the Classroom: Hands-On Tools for Future-Ready Learning: March 6, 2025; 2:00 pm EST
Leading Digital Learning: Communication Strategies for K-12 Education Leaders: Mar. 10, 2025; 5:00 pm EDT
Technology for Littles: Internet Safety Essentials for Young Children: Apr. 22, 2025; 4:00 pm EDT
Communication: AAC Tips & Tricks for Thriving in Independent & Group Home Settings!: February 26, 2025; 10:00 am EST
Apple HomePod Made Easy: Simple Setup, Usage and Smart Home Integration: February 27, 2025; 6:00 pm EST
Low to High Tech Solutions for Independent Living: Mar. 5, 2025;| 5:00 pm EST
Where to Start with AAC and Birth to Three?: Apr. 2, 2025; 12:00 pm EST
Assistive technology for dyslexia: March 4, 2025; 1:00 PM CT
Devices to support wellness: March 24, 2025; 2:00 PM CT
Assistive technology for play: April 10, 2025; 1:00 PM CT
Richard West AT Advocacy Center (NJ AT Act)
AT for Executive Function Skills: Mar. 13, 2025; 12pm EST
AT for Students with Dyslexia and Specific Learning Disabilities: April 8, 2025; 12pm EST
SETC (Special Education Technology Center)
AAC Collaboration Corner: Beyond the Basics – Exploring AAC and Alternative Access Methods: Mar. 6,2025; 11:00 am PT
Communication for Students with Complex Needs: The Key to Success- Session 12; Mar. 12, 2025; 4:00pm PT
AAC Collaboration Corner: AAC and Multilingualism: Navigating Communication Diversity: Apr. 3, 2025; 11:00 am PT
Alternative Access to AAC: Strategies and Solutions: Apr 4, 2025; 9:00 am PT