Webinar: Using American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds for Assistive Technology Devices, Services, and Training

Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 12pm – 1pm Eastern

Location: Zoom

Dave Edyburn, Ph.D.

Covid-19 has clearly impacted how schools operate. As an Assistive Technology Leader, did you know that states and K-12 school districts have received special federal Covid-19 relief funding that can be used to support students with disabilities? Join us to learn how these funds have been allocated and how you can request funding to support the K-12 students with whom you work.

Join us to learn: Purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP); how to locate information on your state’s allocation under ARP’s Elementary and Secondary Education School Relief Fund (ESSER) and the plan proposed/approved by the U.S. Department of Education; how to locate information about your Local Education Agency (LEAs) “safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services” plan submitted to your state; how to explore allowable expenditures; and how to create an action plan on how assistive technology devices, services, and training might be addressed to support students with disabilities during learning recovery.

Learning Outcomes:
The participant will describe the purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP).
The participant will be able to demonstrate how to locate information on your state’s allocation under ARP’s Elementary and Secondary Education School Relief Fund (ESSER) and the plan proposed/approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
The participant will be able to demonstrate how to locate information about their Local Education Agency (LEAs) “safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services” plan submitted and approved by your state.
The participant will be able to define examples of allowable, and non-allowable, expenditures relative to AT devices, services, and training.
The participant will be able to access tools for creating an action plan on how assistive technology devices, services, and training might be addressed to support students with disabilities during learning recovery

Speaker Bio:
Dave L. Edyburn, Ph.D., is Senior Research Scientist and Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and formerly Professor and Associate Dean for Research at the College of Community Innovation and Education, University of Central Florida. His research and teaching interests focus on the use of technology to enhance teaching, learning, and performance in the context of assistive technology, learning sciences, and universal design for learning. He is an Associate Editor of RESNA’s Assistive Technology journal and Guest Editor of the Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefit’s Special Issue: AT Services During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Click “Register Now” to register today. Zoom link to be shared upon enrollment.

RESNA Members – $15
Non-RESNA Members – $45


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