Visual Dictionaries On-Line

Visual cues are great learning tools especially when it comes to learning new vocabulary terms. Students can find it much easier to grasp the new semantic concepts through their visual representations. The following list of visual dictionaries are on-line, easy to use and most are free!

Visual Dictionary Online:   A dictionary with a new point of view. A quick glance at the index is all it takes to explore the 15 major themes to access more than 6,000 images and see words like never before.

Snappy Words

It’s an online interactive English dictionary and thesaurus that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words. You can easily see the meaning of each by simply placing the mouse cursor over it.


Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary — Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts.

Merriam- Webster Visual Dictionary Online

From the image to the word and its definition, the Visual Dictionary Online is an all-in-one reference. Search the themes to quickly locate words or find the meaning of a word by viewing the image it represents. What’s more, the Visual Dictionary Online helps you learn English in a visual and accessible way. The Visual Dictionary Online is ideal for teachers, parents, translators and students of all skill levels.

Image Dictionary

This is a Chrome extension that looks up the highlighted words and displays the closest matching image in a popup bubble.

Kids Word Smyth
Not just a visual dictionary, also included are fun activities,

Anglomaniacy: Picture Dictionaries

There are topic-based interactive dictionaries and flashcards. designed for younger students learning English.

Enchanted Learning

The LITTLE EXPLORERSTM picture dictionary makes surfing the Internet very easy. A picture-dictionary format is used to link to hundreds of carefully chosen child-friendly sites around the world. Since the pictures are links, even pre-readers can surf with a minimum of help and guidance from their favorite adult.

NASA’s Picture Dictionary is for students in grades 3rd to 8th and visually teaches learners about space and NASA.

Math is Fun Visual Dictionary

Math is Fun Visual Dictionary illustrates several math terms and instruments and includes simple definitions. Some of the entries are interactive where students get to play with the instrument virtually.

A Maths Dictionary for Kids

A Maths Dictionary for Kids is an online math dictionary for students which explains over 955 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language with definitions, detailed visual examples, and online practice links for some entries.

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