Accessibility, Assessments, Text Readers and EL Exit Decisions

Connecticut, self help, vision loss, visionaware, vision impairment, supplemental instruction, intervention solutions, teaching and learning approaches, diverse learners special needs, assistive technology, access technology, inclusion

The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) released four resources for special education teachers, administrators and advocates.

Educators Experiences With and Attitudes Towards Accessibility Features and Accommodations explores results of a survey about educators’ familiarity with and attitudes toward accessibility features and accommodations. Most respondents reported that they work with students who use accessibility accommodations, which they believe to have a positive impact on educational outcomes.

NCEO State Surveys: 2016 Survey of States: State Activities Amid Evolving Educational Policies provides a snapshot of the new initiatives, trends, accomplishments, and emerging issues during a period of new education laws and initiatives. States addressed the need for inclusive assessments while facing requirements for assessments and accountability.

Forum on Text Readers for Everyone on All Tests: Getting a Handle on What This Means reports on a forum that brought together state departments of education, school districts, testing and testing-related companies, and other educational organizations to discuss the availability of text readers for everyone on tests, the differences in terminology for text readers, ways to develop common language around text readers, and the challenges associated.

NCEO Brief: Meeting the Needs of ELs with Disabilities in Your State: Making EL Exit Decisions (#13) highlights the numbers and characteristics of English learners (EL) with disabilities and current decision-making processes for exiting these students from EL services. It provides recommendations for states as they support districts and schools in making appropriate exit decisions for ELs with disabilities.

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