Top 15 Reasons to Attend ATIA 2015:

ATIA 2015, held January 27 – 31, 2015, in Orlando, Florida, is the largest international conference showcasing excellence in assistive technology. The 2015 conference marks our 15th anniversary! To celebrate, we’ve compiled the top 15 reasons to attend ATIA 2015. Many of these reasons were developed using social media posts from past attendees.

Top 15 Reasons to Attend ATIA 2015: 

1. Improve learning outcomes for your students and learn about innovative technologies that can help make this possible. (Past attendee) 

2. For those who have been in the AT field for a while, ATIA 2015 will help you rejuvenate your skills. (Past attendee)

3. Hear from a lineup of fantastic national speakers. (Past attendee)

4. If you are a parent of a child with a disability, you can connect with other parents and learn the latest techniques and tools available to help you. (Past attendee)

5. ATIA is the best conference for a wide range of AT professionals and students! (Past attendee)

6. Stay current with the latest in assistive technology. (Past attendee)

7. ATIA 2015 lets you invest in your professional development and get an excellent return. (Past attendee)

8. Back by popular demand, Outta Sight, the student-driven pop/folk/rock band designed for high school students at the FloridaSchool for the Deaf and the Blind, will play during the Welcome BBQ.

9. The pre-conference sessions allow you to choose from 15 additional educational sessions, with topics ranging from technology-driven data collection to the changing  role of AT teams. Seven CEU hours are included in the registration fee for each day.

10. Be there for the new Microsoft Education strand, which will highlight innovative uses of Microsoft technologies in the classroom.

11. Network with fellow attendees, exhibitors, speakers and ATIA staff during our Welcome BBQ, where we will serve hot dogs and hamburgers (and vegetarian options!).

12. After the conference you can attend the free EdcampAccess International unconference to discuss with fellow attendees and local Florida educators ways you plan to implement all that you learned at ATIA 2015.

13.  ATIA 2015 is the largest international conference showcasing excellence in assistive technology!

14. More than 90 leading manufacturers will showcase the latest in assistive technology in the Exhibit Hall.

15. Even though the conference is in January, if you live in cold climates, Orlando is sure to be warmer!

Join in on the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. You also can view the latest tweets from @ATIAorg on the ATIA website. Follow #ATIA15 for conference news and updates.

Thank you to all who contributed to our top 15 list. Those whose reasons were chosen for our list will enjoy lunch with ATIA CEO David Dikter at the ATIA 2015 conference!

No matter what your goals are, ATIA 2015 is sure to meet them. Register today to join AT practitioners, parents of children with disabilities, teachers, researchers, OTs, PTs, SLPs, VI specialists, accessibility professionals, AT manufacturers and services providers in Orlando.

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