ConnSENSE Resource Finds…

I keep coming across so many interesting AT resource sites. I’ve been making lists, lists and more lists. But since I hate going to a resource website only to find long and confusing lists… thought I’d keep things simple and post just a few at a time. Hope you find this useful. More coming soon!

AT Blogs;

Special Education Law Blog:

A special education legal resource discussing case law, news, practical advocacy advice, and developments in state and federal laws, statutes and regulations. Postings include insight and sometimes humor from Charles P. Fox, a Chicago, Illinois attorney who is also a parent of child with special needs, and other guest authors.

The Assistive Technology Blog;

The Assistive Technology Blog is a publication of the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and TechnicalAssistanceCenter (T/TAC) at VCU. Do you have a question you would like to see answered here? EMAIL US and we will post an answer as quickly as we can!

The Assistivetek Blogspot:

Blog on the topic of assistibe technology, eLearning, mind mapping, project management, visual learning, collaborative tools, and educational technology by Brian S. Friedlander, Ph.D.

Really useful websites from AT experts!

Linda Burkhart:

Dave Edyburn:

Joy Zabala:

Penny Reed and Gayl Bowser: